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Cooking Tips
Traditional spices
Spices are known to enhance taste ,heal and have many health benefits ,.having some spices in your house can help to keep away day to day health problems. Indian food cannot do with out spices. Ayurveda gives us a detail explanation the importance of spices and why spices are important for human beings .
Turmeric is an active agent to cure skin diseases.Turmeric is also known as haldi which we mostly in powder form. It is a bright yellow in colour and adds taste and colour to our food.Tumeric also has a religious significance. It has an antiflammatory, and anti bacterial properties.when mixed with hot milk its good for cough and cold.When added, turmeric powder and gram flour, it becomes a face mask .Oil heated with turmeric also heal many types of bruises and wounds.
Carom seeds
Ajwain is the another name for carom seeds. it is know to be a well know digestive spice, .it is used in many Indian cooking dishes. Ajwain is used for stomach pains. Ajwain and rock salt are added and heated in a potli to soothe cold. When ajwain boiled in water can make a good digestive juice .
Cumin seeds
Jeera is another name for cumin seeds. It may be whole or grounded and floavur ome out when roasted and ground.jeera is used in all types of Indian cooking. For stomach pains a tsp full of whole jeera and little sugar should be chewed .
Garlic and onions are know to be the blood purifying agents,it also keeps humans safe form cold especially in the winter
Garlic is rich in vitamin c.also add a good aroma in coking.
Cinnmom and cloves are good antiseptics ,also add rich flavour in may gravies and pickles.
Coriander also know as dhaniya ,is used in granule or powder form.It is cooling agent for acidity or indigestion .Fresh coriander is used as a garnishing agent.
Pepper is a spice which is tangy in taste and also an healing agent.
Nutmeg oil is good agent to stop vomiting ,also in dysentery.
Note: When consuming any ingredients the propotion has to be moderate and therefore proper precautions are to be taken in the quantum of consumption. This is very important to avoid any side effects caused due to excessive intake.
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